This post should have been named something like: "JAX-RS should provide a way to identify and resolve resource URLs".
However, it was too long, so I opted for some buzzy acronyms: let me explain them.
JAX-RS is the official Java API for building Restful Web Services: also known as
JSR-311, it went final a few months ago, and is, IMHO, a very good specification, providing an easy and effective way for building REST-oriented web services.
HATEOAS is something more complicated: it would deserve a whole post by its own, but I will try to explain it in a few paragraphs.
First, HATEOAS is an acronym for:
Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State.
Wow ... you may wonder what does it mea, so ...
Everyone knows about
REST, but too bad, not everyone knows that it's an architectural style, rather than an implementation thing.
More specifically, REST is a way for creating distributed (web) architectures based on
some basic principles, and HATEOAS is one of the most important, and often misled/ignored.
HATEOAS could also be named
hypermedia-based navigation. It means that a REST application should provide
at most one fixed URL: all application URLs, with related resources, should be "dynamically" discovered, and navigated, starting from that fixed URL, thanks to the use of hypermedia links throughout all resources.
That said, the concept of
resource URL acquires great relevance: every resource must have its own URL, and that URL must be known by other resources in order to
publish it and make the resource accessible.
Now, let's go to my point.
JAX-RS does a very good job at
defining resource URLs, but lacks of a way for
identifying, as a first class concept, what is the actual URL of a given resource, and hence for
resolving it.
Let me give a simple example.
Take a look at the following JAX-RS compliant web resource implementation:
private static class JAXRSResource {
public String getResource() {
// ...
public void postResource(String resource) {
// ...
It defines how to GET and POST the resource, with related paths, but how does it define what really is the URL to use for identifying the resource? And how could another resource refer to it?
For answering the first question, you have to browse all methods, and guess the correct one by looking at the http method annotation (GET), plus its path values.
For answering the second question, you have to hard-code it in the referring resource, or write something like (using JAX-RS APIs)
UriBuilder.fromResource(JAXRSResource.class).path(JAXRSResource.class, "getResource").build(): both obscure and error-prone.
So here is my point: again,
JAX-RS should provide a way for clearly identifying a resource URL, and easily resolving it.What do you think?